СЛИВ 🔮ПЛАГИН 🌟ПРОВЕРЕНО PwnFilter | Хороший чат фильтер LightLeak - Только безопасные сливы!
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LightLeak - Только безопасные сливы!

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  • Вот и наступила осень!

    Как быстро же пролетело время, уже осень, но мы, не стоим на месте.
    К этому периоду года мы подготовили для вас сочные сливы, которых нет больше нигде!

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    К ресурсам

PwnFilter | Хороший чат фильтер

СЛИВ 🔮 ПЛАГИН 🌟 ПРОВЕРЕНО PwnFilter | Хороший чат фильтер 3.9.1

Недостаточно прав для скачивания⠀Причины Зарегистрироваться Для скачивания ресурса необходима регистрация и подтверждения почты
  • Автор Котяра
  • Дата создания
  • Ваша группа достигла максимального количества скачиваний в день.
Ресурсы с префиксом "Слив" не гарантируют обновлений до последних версий!
  • Мне нравится!
Реакции: ZHAMIK
Плагин PwnFilter поможет в блокировке ссылок, пиаров и плохих вещей на вашем сервере. Я думаю что плагин довольно крутой и сделанный идеально, всем советую! Конфиг задан снизу:

# PwnFilter 3.3.0 Default Configuration File
# This file is now arranged so that the things that are most important to
# configure are near the top.  You can, of course, re-arrange this how you
# like.
## NOTE: If you have a text string that has a ':' in it, followed by a '%', you need
## to put single quotes (') around the text, to prevent the parser from having a fit.

## Basic Filter Options ##

# Set to 'true' to strip color codes from chat.
# Players with pwnfilter.color or pwnfilter.bypass permissions will still be
# able to use colors.
decolor: false

# The following options enable / disable filtering features
# The "spamfilter" will enable/disable a basic filter that
# prevents a player from entering the same line 2x in a row.

# The 'chat' filter is always enabled.

# Filter text applied to signs
signfilter: false

# Activate item filter (Naming items with Anvil)  (EXPERIMENTAL)
itemfilter: false

# Console Filter -- Filter commands entered on console (EXPERIMENTAL)
consolefilter: false

# Filter commands as well as chat true/false
commandfilter: true

spamfilter: false  # For chat messages
commandspamfilter: false # For /commands

# The Command Whitelist/Blacklist are used to prevent PwnFilter from
# processing some /commands.  For example, you may not want to filter
# a complex worldedit command like: //set 25%Stone,50%ironore,25%coalore
# In this case, you could either add just the desired command to the whitelist
# or you could add /set to the blacklist. (Note, you don't include the first
# '/').
# Command Black List: Commands in this list will not be processed by PwnFilter
cmdblist: []

# Command White List: Commands to filter, if empty, will filter
# ALL (except blacklist)
cmdlist: []

# Commands to treat as "chat" events.  These will be processed by the chat.txt
# filter, not the commands.txt filter.  Also, they will be subject to the
# chatspam and decolor options
- me
- nick
- m
- mail
- msg
- nick
- r
- t
- tell
- whisper

# If you want to specify an arbitrary directory on your server to store rules
# you can specify it here. (Default is to use plugins/PwnFilter/rules)
#ruledirectory: /path/to/rules

# Specify the location to find text files, for the "then respondfile" action.
# By default, PwnFilter will look in the plugins/PwnFilter/textfiles directory.
# You can either specify a directory relative to the plugins/PwnFilter dir
# (no leading /):
# textdir: textfiles
# or you can use the full path:
# textdir: /home/minecraft/server/textfiles
# eg: If you do: "then respondfile colors.txt", example 1 would look for:
# {serverdir}/plugins/PwnFilter/textfiles/colors.txt
# example 2:
# /home/minecraft/server/textfiles/colors.txt
#textdir: textfiles

## Points System ##

# The points system allows you to specify a "point value" for some rules.
# Every time a player matches a rule with a points value, that player will
# be given the number of points in "then points x".
# If a player reaches one of the configured thresholds below, the actions
# at that level will be taken.  In the example below, if a player accumulates
# 10 points, they will be warned.  If they get 20 points, they will get kicked
# and players with the pwnfilter.admin permission will be notified.  At 30
# points, the player will be given a ban, and admins will be notified.  After
# the points have fallen back below each threshold, the descending actions will
# be executed. (eg: unban).

# The points are handled in a "leaky bucket" style.  Points "leak" out of the
# bucket at the configured rate.  In the example below, a player who has points
# in their bucket will have them drained at a rate of 1 point per 10s.
  enabled: false # Set to 'true' to enable the points system
    points: 1.0 # How many points to remove each interval
    interval: 30 # How often to remove points (seconds)
      name: Warn
      points: 10.0
        ascending:  # Actions to execute when the player crosses from below.
         - respond You have hit our warning threshold for bad language!
        descending: # Actions to execute when player crosses from above.
         - respond You are now back in our good books.  Remember to keep it clean!

      name: Kick
      points: 20.0
         - kick You need to tone down your language!
         - notify pwnfilter.admins %player% was kicked for hitting the kick threshold.

      name: Tempban
      points: 30.0
         - console ban %player% Your language is not acceptable.  Take 15m to cool off!
         - notify pwnfilter.admins %player% was given a temporary ban for bad language.
         - notify console &4%player% was given a temporary ban for bad language. Points %points%
         - console pardon %player%
         - notify pwnfilter.admins %player% points have fallen below Tempban threshold. %player% was unbanned
         - notify console &4%player% points have fallen below Tempban threshold. %player% was unbanned

## Default Messages ##

# Default message setups, can be overridden in rules.txt per match.
# DO NOT remove quotes around messages!
warnmsg: '&4[&6PwnFilter&4] &4Warned by PwnFilter!'
kickmsg: '&4[&6PwnFilter&4] &4Kicked by PwnFilter!'
burnmsg: '&4[&6PwnFilter&4] &4Burned by PwnFilter!'
killmsg: '&4[&6PwnFilter&4] &4Killed by PwnFilter!'
finemsg: '&4[&6PwnFilter&4] &4Fined by PwnFilter!'


# By default, minimal information is sent to the bukkit console, and
# match information is written to the PwnFilter/pwnfilter.log file.  If you
# want different behaviour, configure the options below.

# Set the level for MATCH/SEND messages
# Set to 'fine' if you don't want MATCH/SEND events in your main server log
# NOTE: If you have the "then log" action set for a rule, it will log
# at level INFO, regardless of the setting here.
loglevel: fine

# Create a PwnFilter.log file in the plugins/PwnFilter directory
# This file will contain all PwnFilter log messages, regardless of level.
logfile: true

# Debug mode (high is VERY verbose) (Enable logfile above)
# NOTE: Changed in 3.0.1.  Now options are:
# off, low, medium, high
# off = No debugging will be written to pwnfilter.log
# low = Matches will be written
# medium = low + detailed rule parsing info
# high = medium + detailed debugging of the rule engine.

debug: off

#### ADVANCED #####
# You can also change the priority of event handlers with:
# priority, cmdpriority, signpriority and itempriority

# Changing priority can allow the event handlers to process messages before or after other
# plugins.  This can sometimes help with plugin conflicts.  You really should understand
# how bukkit handler priority works before changing these.

# By default, PwnFilters handlers try to run before all other plugins.

# Change priority of PlayerListener (chat)
# chatpriority: lowest #(default)

# Change priority of CommandListener
# cmdpriority: lowest #(default)

# Change priority of SignListener
# signpriority: lowest #(default)

# Change priority of ItemListener
# itempriority: lowest #(default)
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