- Поддерживаемые версии
- 1.17.x
- 1.18.x
- 1.19.x
- 1.20.x
Password Encryption. Available types: MD5, SHA-256, SHA-512, BCrypt
- BungeeCord Support. Automatically send players to a specified server after login/register.
- Sessions. Do not enter your password again when reconnected in a short period of time!
- Custom login & register commands!
- Custom messages, titles, action bar and sounds!
- JSON Support. Use custom JSON in any message!
- Chat Support. Use chat messages to log in and register instead of commands!
- Name Restrictions. Prevent players with short or long names from joining!
- Accounts Per IP. Set how many accounts can be created for the same IP address.
- Password Safety Check. Set password to require upper case & lower case letters, digits and amount of unique characters!
- Password Length Check. Prevent too short or too long passwords from being used.
- Password Confirmation. Set whether players should confirm their passwords when registering.
- Regex Validation. Validate player names and passwords with a custom regex.
- Name Case Check. Prevent players from joining with a wrong name case (ex. ThePlayer vs theplayer).
- Login Location. Set location where players will be moved during login.
- Hide Inventory. Clear player's inventory, gamemode, flying and potion effects while in login.
- Blindess. Add blindness potion effect to players during login.
- Login Timeout. Set how many time player have to be logged it or registered.
- Login Attempts. Set how many times player can use wrong password/answer before being kicked (and banned).
- Post-Login Commands. Execute commands when player logged in.
- Ban Suspicious Activity. Auto-ban players by IP who tries to brute-force accounts!
- Secret Question! Extra security step for your account. Create custom question with answer to prevent hackers from using your account even if your password was disclosed.