#The prefix that is shown before the plugin
plugins_prefix: "&eAFK &7» "
# -- Plugin Settings --
#The check delay in seconds of checking when someone is AFK - These calculations are done ASync so I wouldn't suggest changing this (It's not going to effect performance)
#If you do change it, the actions below must be divisible by this number (I wouldn't suggest changing it, but you have the option too)
check_delay: 1
#Do you want to stop the player getting playtime, if the player is AFK? if so, how long should the player be AFK for before it stops counting playtime?
#set to -1 to disable
afk_stop_counting_playtime: -1
#If a player types/speaks, would you like this to reset the players AFK time to 0 (So speaking means players are not considered AFK)
should_player_be_afk_if_speaks: false #false = If a player speaks, they will still be considered AFK if they do not move
#Would you like to give players god mode, so they cannot take damage, if a player goes afk (Default is 120 seconds, unless 'afk_stop_counting_playtime' is specified)
enable_afk_god_mode: false
#Any world names listed here, if a player is in it, the AFK actions wont be executed against
- example_world
#Any world names listed here, if a player is in it, the playtime will not be added to the player
- example_world
#Would you like to enable the /afk command? This will override essentials - Requires server restart to take effect if you change this value
enable_afk_command: true
#Whether you want players playtime to be stored
store_player_time: true
#If this is false, doing /afk (or alias) will tell the player his/her time in chat
enable_player_time_gui: true
#The papi placeholder %jetsantiafkpro_isafk% will return the following text if they are considered afk (by default, 2 minutes, or when the variable afk_stop_counting_playtime above is hit), or the non_afk_placeholder if they are not afk
#This is good for Tab Lists plugins
afk_placeholder: "&4[&cAFK&4]"
non_afk_placeholder: ""
# -- AFK Actions --
#These actions are executed if the players time (in seconds) is equal to the number below
#Action format:
# ACTION|Value
#Possible Actions
# COMMAND Example: COMMAND|kick %PLAYER% don't afk... *Executes a command and replaces %PLAYER% with the players name
# TITLE Example: TITLE|Title Text;SubTitle Text *Shows a title to the player and replaces %PLAYER% with the players name and ; to split title;subtitle - 1.8 MC Required TitleAPI
# MESSAGE Example: MESSAGE|Hey, %PLAYER%, wake up! *Sends the message to a player, replace %PLAYER% with the players name - Other placeholders using PlaceholderAPI supported
# SERVER Example: SERVER|lobby *Players will be sent to a server called 'lobby'
# PERMISSION Example: PERMISSION|antiafkpro.default *Players will need the required permission, else the action will not continue
# BYPASSPERMISSION Example: BYPASSPERMISSION|antiafkpro.default *Players with this permission will not be effected by the action
# SLOTCOUNTGREATERTHAN Example: SLOTCOUNTGREATERTHAN|30 *The action will only be executed if there is > 30 players on
# SLOTCOUNTERLESSTHAN Example: SLOTCOUNTERLESSTHAN|30 *The action will only be executed if there is < 30 players on
# PLAYTIMEGREATERTHAN Example: PLAYTIMEGREATERTHAN|500 *The action will only be executed if the player has played for more than 500 seconds
# PLAYTIMELESSTHAN Example: PLAYTIMELESSTHAN|500 *The action will only be executed if the player has played for less than 500 seconds
# INWORLD Example: INWORLD|pvpworld *The action will only be executed if they are in the pvpworld
# BROADCAST Example: BROADCAST|Hello all! *Broadcast a message to everyone on the server
# If you want to repeat an action, say every 10 minutes reward a player, simply add a % after the number (see playtime as an example
#MVdWPlaceholders Supported
#Hex colour codes supported
#Actions that are executed when the player is AFK
120: #120 seconds = 2 minutes
- "MESSAGE|&eAFK &7» &cYou have been AFK for two minutes, you will be kicked soon!"
- "TITLE|&6You have been ; &6AFK for two minutes"
- "TITLE|&6Anti AFK ; &bYou will be kicked in &c5 &bseconds"
- "TITLE|&6Anti AFK ; &bYou will be kicked in &c4 &bseconds"
- "TITLE|&6Anti AFK ; &bYou will be kicked in &c3 &bseconds"
- "TITLE|&6Anti AFK ; &bYou will be kicked in &c2 &bseconds"
- "TITLE|&6Anti AFK ; &bYou will be kicked in &c1 &bsecond"
300: #300 seconds = 5 minutes
- "BYPASSPERMISSION|antiafkpro.admin" #If they have this permission, the action will not execute
- "COMMAND|kick %PLAYER% You have been kicked as you have been AFK for 5 minutes"
## Actions that are executed when the player plays for a certain time (store_player_time needs to be enabled for this)
300: #300 seconds = 5 minutes
- "MESSAGE|&ePlayTime &7» &cYou have played for 5 Minutes! &6You have been rewarded with $100!"
- "COMMAND|eco give %PLAYER% 100"
3600: #3600 seconds = 1 hour
- "MESSAGE|&ePlayTime &7» &cYou have played for 1 hour! &6You have been rewarded with $1000!"
- "COMMAND|eco give %PLAYER% 1000"
86400: #86400 seconds = 1 day
- "MESSAGE|&ePlayTime &7» &cYou have played for 1 day - Wow, you really like this server! &6You have been rewarded with $10000!"
- "COMMAND|eco give %PLAYER% 10000"
- "MESSAGE|&eAFK &7» &cYou have been rewarded with $100 for playing! "
- "COMMAND|eco give %PLAYER% 100"
## Actions that are executed when a player has returned from being AFK after X time
120: #120 seconds = 2 minutes - If a player has been AFK for more than 120 seconds, this action will be executed when the player gets back
- "MESSAGE|&eAFK &7» &cWelcome Back!"
- "TITLE|&6You have returned ; &6from being AFK"
afk_ignore_opped_players: true #afk actions will not effect opped players
# -- Message options --
#When a player tries sending a message to a target player, if the target player is AFK, would you like warn the sender the target player is AFK?
#Configure the message sent to the player under 'target_player_is_afk' in messages.yml
target_player_afk_messages: [] ### To enable this, delete the [] and uncomment the lines underneath
# - "/message"
# - "/m"
# - "/msg"
# - "/pm"
# - "/w"
# - "/whisper"
# -- Database properties --
#Either you may use SQLite or MySQL (Can use MySQL to enable a single cross-server database to store players time in)
#If you do not understand these settings, it's probably best not to change
#There is currently no way to transfer data from one properties solution to another (I.E changing properties types after setting up the plugin will cause player data to start over)
use: true
db: "data"
use: false
host: "localhost"
user: "root"
password: "pa55sw0rd"
port: "3306"
db: "antiafkpro"
ssl: false
#Auto-save interval - Would you like to save data to the database periodically to prevent loss of data if the server crashes?
#By default, data is saved when a player logs out or when the server is stopped
#Number of seconds you would like to save data to the database, -1 to disable (suggested 300 if you want to enable this)
auto_save_seconds: -1