HowePlugin xray топ анти хрей
#Do you want the plugin to be enabled?
pluginenabled: true
#Do you want that players need a permission in order to send messages if they find a block?
usepermission: true
#The permission players need in order to send a message if they find a block. "usepermission" must be true.
permission: antixray.send
#Do you want that players can bypass the plugin with a permission? If false, the plugin will affect all players.
usebypasspermission: true
#The permission players need in order to bypass the plugin.
bypasspermission: antixray.bypass
#The permission players need in order to recieve messages from the plugin.
recievepermission: antixray.recieve
#Do you want to use the worlds list below as whitelist? If false, it will use it as blacklist instead.
worldsaswhitelist: true
#The list of worlds affected by the plugin:
- world
- spawn
- survival
#The list of blocks affected by the plugin:
#The message that will be send when a player finds a block listened above.
#%player% -> The player that mined the block.
#%block% -> The block that got mined.
#%world% -> The world the player is in
minemessage: "&c&lHOWEXRAY ALERT &8>> &b%player% &afound &b%block%&a!"
#Do you want to use actions when players have mined an amount of blocks listened above in a certain time?
autoban: true
#The amount of blocks listened above players need to mine
requiredblocks: 5
#The delay in ticks (20 ticks = 1 second)
delay: 300
#The actions in commands
#%player% -> The player that mined the block.
- "say yay"