- Поддерживаемые версии
- 1.12.x
- 1.13.x
- 1.14.x
- 1.15.x
- 1.16.x
- 1.17.x
- 1.18.x
- 1.19.x
- 1.20.x
## Config version (DO NOT EDIT)
config: 7
## Language file
lang: 'en'
## Debug mode
debug: false
## Log to file
enabled: true
# Reset log on startup
reset: true
## Update checking
# Support for older versions is not provided
check: true
# Toggling allows you to disable the scoreboard
# If you want the toggle to stay even when your users
# log off you can enable this. Keep in mind that this requires a
# MySQL or SQLite database.
# If you are configuring the plugin for the first time it is advised
# to stay away from these settings until you managed the scoreboard
# set up.
persistent: false
# Database configuration is SIMILAR to http://wiki.bukkit.org/Bukkit.yml#database
# with isolation, url, driver, ...
# Database name
database: "featherboard"
# Database username
username: bukkit
# Database password
password: walrus
# Database driver URL
# {DIR} will be replaced with the plugin directory
# {NAME} will be replaced wit the plugin name
url: jdbc:sqlite:{DIR}{NAME}.db
# Save interval in ticks
save-interval: 6000
# Disabled worlds. Add your world name in this list to disable it.
- 'example_world'
# Scoreboard assigning. The boards can be assigned by various ways.
# default the scoreboards will be assigned by permissions.
# You can have multiple ways of assigning a scoreboard, but
# keep in mind that it uses a "first come first served" principal
# Multiple assign methods is only recommended when using things like
# TIME or WORLD in combination with something else.
# PERMISSION - Assign scoreboards based on permissions
# This is the default setting (since 2014)
# featherboard.group.<scoreboard>
# PERMISSION_CACHED - Assign scoreboards based on permissions
# Unlike "PERMISSION" this method is cached.
# It will require a toggle or relog to update.
# Use this for permission plugins that do not cache
# permissions and contact a database every time.
# GROUP - Assign scoreboards based on Vault groups
# this means the scoreboard name has to
# have the name of your Vault group.
# WORLD - Assign scoreboards based on the world
# the player is in.
# TIME - Assign the scoreboard based on the day.
# "day" for Day and "night" for night.
# NONE - Do no assign scoreboards and just rely on
# manual assigning (triggers, etc...)
# LANGUAGE - Client language (en,nl,fr) Two letter language code
# name your scoreboard "en.yml", "nl.yml" , ...
# PLACEHOLDER:* - Assign the scoreboard based on a placeholder
# this method can be very intensive for certain non cached
# placeholders.
# It will look for scoreboardname.yml files matching the result
# of the placeholder.
# Replace "*" with an actual placeholder (ex. "PLACEHOLDER:%player_is_flying%" )
# KEEP IN MIND: Fast switching scoreboards is not a good thing.
# SPAWN_DISTANCE - Assign the scoreboard based on the distance to the world's spawn
# Name your scoreboard: "spawn_distance_*" where * is a number
# representing the distance. (ex. "spawn_distance_10")
# The example would math the scoreboard if you are within 10 blocks
# to the spawn.
# GUI: This is a feature enabling a GUI to select a specific scoreboard
# The GUI will show all scoreboards you have permission to. It is not very
# configurable in the way you can't control the location or order of the scoreboards
# For a more configurable GUI I recommend DeluxeMenus
# This is the title of the GUI
title: "Scoreboards"
# Size of the GUI (leave to -1 to make it dynamic)
# Sizes: 9,27,54
size: -1
# Placeholder settings
# Automatically attempt to download eCloud placeholders when used
auto-download: true
# Tweaks to increase or tune performance
# Hide the scoreboard by default
# This requires players to manually toggle the scoreboard
default-hidden: false
# Reset all scoreboard on startup
# this is similar to manually deleting the scoreboard.dat
reset-scoreboard-data: false
# This option does not send scoreboard remove packets
# to the client on join.
keep-scoreboard-join: false
# This option does not send scoreboard remove packets
# to the client on quit. This can increase performance on servers
# where players quit a lot (hubs, ...)
# Removal of the plugin requires you to manually delete the scoreboard.dat in the worlds
# /data folder
# Enabling this can cause the scoreboard not to work anymore. Use at your own risk
keep-scoreboard-quit: false
# Trust or do not trust scoreboard scripts.
# Normally you leave this to true
# When disabled scoreboard scripts will be disabled
trust-scoreboard-scripts: true
# Some placeholders have a slow process behind them. Meaning they might contact a database
# and take a while to 'resolve'. This will never cause lag since the placeholders are loaded
# separate from the sending. But can slow down the animation because it has to wait
# for the placeholder to be loaded. When having multiple lines like a text that shows
# the information about the placeholders you put below it, this can cause problems.
# Enabling this will output a message in the console and ingame to operators
# saying when a placeholder is causing delays.
detect-animation-lag: false
# Putting this to true will SPAM your console with timings report per placeholder/animation
# refresh. Used for debugging purposes.
# This requires detect-placeholderdelay to true
verbose-animation-timings: false
# Show delay on join. Useful if you wish to let the user
# enjoy a Title MOTD without having the scoreboard obstructing
# the view.
# Please note that there is a static show-delay build in of 5 ticks that you can
# not change. This is because a lot of data is send in the first moment a player
# joins.
show-delay: 0
# The update speed multiplier can increase the update speed of the scoreboard
# A normal scoreboard would have a max refresh rate of 20 ticks per second
# When changing this multiplier you can make this slower or faster.
# Support for faster multipliers is not provided as it depends on your server
# hardware if it can handle it.
# This feature is mostly meant for advanced users that want to create something unique
# or when stress testing.
speed-multiplier: 1.0
# Scoreboard update method
# This is the method used to send the scoreboard.
# NOTE: Are you using ViaRewind and you have cut lines?
# Animation update method
# This is the method used to update the line animations
# (Updating the frames, placeholders ,...)
# EFFICIENT - Will update the scoreboards using X workers.
# The advantage is that it makes optimal use of the
# processor to update the animations.
# The downside is that some placeholders
# may delay the scoreboard.
# Use this if you have many different scoreboards
# OPTIMAL - This default option will assign a dedicated worker
# per scoreboard config. Lines are therefor synchronized.
# If you have no idea what the other strategies do, use this
# SYNCHRONOUS - This option will update all scoreboard lines of all
# scoreboards in a single worker. Meaning that for many
# boards this can cause delays.
# Use this if you have no more than 2 different scoreboards
# ASYNCHRONOUS - This option will create a task for each scoreboard line
# it was default for FeatherBoard 3 and previous versions.
# However it is not really optimized.
method: 'OPTIMAL'
# Directory where you want to store/load scoreboards
scoreboard-directory: "scoreboards"
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