Защита от BebraWare, не чё особенного
# ___ _ _ ___ _ _ Our plugins: https://alonsoaliaga.com/plugins
# | _ ) ___| |_| |_ ___ _ _ / __|__ _ _ __| |_ __| |_ __ _ Support server: https://alonsoaliaga.com/discord
# | _ \/ -_) _| _/ -_) '_| (__/ _` | '_ \ _/ _| ' \/ _` | Youtube: https://alonsoaliaga.com/play
# |___/\___|\__|\__\___|_| \___\__,_| .__/\__\__|_||_\__,_| Test server: plugins.alonsoaliaga.com
# by AlonsoAliaga |_| Twitch: https://alonsoaliaga.com/twitch
# Considering donating https://alonsoaliaga.com/donate Thanks for using my plugin! <3
No-permission: "&cYou don't have permission to do this."
Reloaded: "&aSome messages and options have been reloaded. Other may require a restart!"
Invalid-player: "&cPlayer is not online!"
Cancelled: "&cYour attempt to start captcha verification for {PLAYER} was cancelled by a plugin!"
Pending: "&cPlayer {PLAYER} is already in a captcha verification process!"
Started: "&aYou started captcha verification for {PLAYER}!"
Started-other: "&6You started captcha verification process!"
Bulk: "&aStarted captcha process for {SUCCESS} players, {SKIPPED} skipped with permission, {LOGGING} players are not logged (AuthMe) and {PENDING} players are already in a captcha process!"
Bulk-empty: "&cCouldn't find players to start verification process! (All of them are logging in, bypassing or in captcha process already)"
Not-logged: "&cPlayer {PLAYER} is not authenticated in AuthMe. Skipping.."
Cancelled: "&cYour attempt to stop captcha verification for {PLAYER} was cancelled by a plugin!"
Not-pending: "&cPlayer {PLAYER} is not in a captcha verification process!"
Stopped: "&aYou stopped captcha verification for {PLAYER}!"
Stopped-other: "&6You skipped captcha verification process!"
Bulk: "&aStopped captcha process for {STOPPED} players!"
Bulk-empty: "&cCouldn't find players with an active captcha process!"
#Sound to be sent when a captcha process starts. Set Sound: "none" to disable sound.
#Sound to be sent when a captcha process stops by command or API. Set Sound: "none" to disable sound.
#Option when captcha is completed (all steps)
Enabled: true
#Sound sent once the player completed all captchas. Set Sound: "none" to disable sound.
Sound: EXP_ORB
#Message sent once the player completed all captchas. Set Message: [] to disable message.
#PlaceholderAPI are supported if plugin is installed.
- "&aYou complete captcha successfully!&r"
- " &r"
- " &6&l&nWelcome to a server using BetterCaptcha!&r"
- " &r"
- " &c&l{PLAYER}&r&c, thanks for playing here!"
- " &r"
- " &eVisit&b https://alonsoaliaga.com/plugins &r"
- " &eDon't forget to rate 5 stars if you loved the plugin!"
- " &r"
Enabled: true
#Sound sent once the player failed one captcha. Set Sound: "none" to disable sound.
#Message sent once the player failed one captcha. Set Message: [] to disable message.
#PlaceholderAPI are supported if plugin is installed.
- " &r"
- "&cYou failed captcha! You'll be kicked."
- " &r"
Enabled: true
#Sound sent if the player skip captcha verification.
Sound: EXP_ORB
#Message sent when player joins the server and skips captcha process because the time between disconnection and reconnection is less than the
#amount defined in the configuration for cache players.
- "&6You left the server short time ago. You skipped captcha verification."
- " &r"
- " &6&l&nWelcome to a server using BetterCaptcha!&r"
- " &r"
- " &c&l{PLAYER}&r&c, thanks for playing here!"
- " &r"
- " &eVisit&b https://alonsoaliaga.com/plugins &r"
- " &eDon't forget to rate 5 stars if you loved the plugin!"
- " &r"
- "&9 /bettercaptcha start <player|*> &f- &bStart captcha process for player"
- "&9 /bettercaptcha stop <player|*> &f- &bStop captcha process for player"
- "&9 /bettercaptcha reload &f- &bReload configuration"
User: []
Enabled: "&aCaptcha is enabled! New players will require to complete captcha."
Disabled: "&cCaptcha is disabled! New players won't be required to complete captcha."
Enabled: "&aCaptcha has been enabled! New players will require to complete captcha."
Disabled: "&cCaptcha has been disabled! New players won't be required to complete captcha."
#Required. Cannot be "none"
Admin: "bettercaptcha.admin"
#Permission to bypass captcha on join. Operators don't have this permission by default. Required, cannot be "none"
Bypass: "bettercaptcha.bypass"
#Permission to allow players to use /bettercaptcha command. Supports "none" to disable permission.
Main: "none" #Example: "bettercaptcha.main"
#Permission to be able to use Cache option. (If player doesn't have this permission but option is enabled, they will have to complete captcha again)
#Supports "none" to disable permission.
Cache: "none" #Example: "bettercaptcha.cache"
#Enable only if developer asks you to.
Debug-mode: false
#How many times player must complete captcha after joining.
Total-steps: 2
#Time in seconds the captcha will be displayed before it's considered as failed.
#Minimum 1 second. If lower than 1, it will be set to 1 automatically. Recommended time: 10
Time-per-captcha: 10
#If enabled, captcha will be considered as failed if player clicks any other slot except the correct one.
#If disabled, captcha won't be considered as failed if player clicks any other slot unless this slot is not the correct one AND has an item.
Strict-click: true
#This option keeps player in the cache for X seconds after leaving the server so the player don't need to complete captcha again
#if they reconnect within the defined amount of seconds. Otherwise captcha verification process starts again.
Enabled: true
#Time in seconds after disconnection before captcha is required again. Recommended values between 10 - 30 seconds. Default 15 seconds.
#This is NOT stored in a database so don't use values that are too high.
Time: 20
#This prevent players using commands.
Commands: true
#This prevent players from being damaged and damage others.
Damage: true
#This prevent players to break/place blocks.
Block: true
#This prevent players to send messages in chat. (It cancels the event)
Chat: true
#This prevent players to teleport with all reasons, except "PLUGIN".
#Internally, for developers, we use a method to teleport players to a location, this is only for plugins like Spawn TP, etc.
#Cancelling all reasons except "PLUGIN" will prevent players to teleport using ender pearls, portals, etc..
Teleport: true
#This prevent players eating food, potions, etc.
Consume: true
#This prevent flight being enabled, but not being disabled.
Toggle-flight: true
#Options for complete captchas (All of them, not one)
Enabled: false
#Commands the console will run when player completes all captcha. This will be ran after player receives the message specified (If option is enableD)
#Available placeholders:
# {PLAYER} Replaced by player name
# {UUID} Replaced by player uuid
#DO NOT INCLUDE SLASH for commands.
- "say The player {PLAYER} completed captcha verification. It's not a bot!"
- "eco {PLAYER} add 10"
#Options for fail captcha.
#Should we kick the player
Enabled: true
#Supports PlaceholdersAPI if installed.
- "&4&l{PLAYER}, you failed captcha!&r"
- "&fYou have been disconnected from the server!&r"
- " &r"
- "&c&lProblems with BetterCaptcha&r"
- "&aUse our issue tracker or join our discord server!"
- " &r"
- "&eWant more cool plugins"
- "&bhttps://alonsoaliaga.com/plugins"
Enabled: false
#Commands the console will run when player fails captcha. This will be ran BEFORE the player is kicked (If option is enabled)
#Available placeholders:
# {PLAYER} Replaced by player name
# {UUID} Replaced by player uuid
#DO NOT INCLUDE SLASH for commands.
- "say The player {PLAYER} with uuid {UUID} failed captcha verification!"
- "eco {PLAYER} take 150"
#If enabled, captcha will be sent after player successfully log in. Recommended to leave it enabled.
Enabled: true
#Auto update configuration Enabling will delete comments.
Auto-update-configuration: true
#Check for updates Recommended to keep it enabled.
Check-updates: true
#Notify updates when player with permission joins the server
Notify-updates: true
#Permission required to receive update message.
Permission: "bettercaptcha.update"
#Message to send when update is found.
Message: "&9[BetterCaptcha] &eA new update has been found! You are using version {CURRENT}. Download version {NEW} here &c{LINK}"
# | _ ) ___| |_| |_ ___ _ _ / __|__ _ _ __| |_ __| |_ __ _ Support server: https://alonsoaliaga.com/discord
# | _ \/ -_) _| _/ -_) '_| (__/ _` | '_ \ _/ _| ' \/ _` | Youtube: https://alonsoaliaga.com/play
# |___/\___|\__|\__\___|_| \___\__,_| .__/\__\__|_||_\__,_| Test server: plugins.alonsoaliaga.com
# by AlonsoAliaga |_| Twitch: https://alonsoaliaga.com/twitch
# Considering donating https://alonsoaliaga.com/donate Thanks for using my plugin! <3
No-permission: "&cYou don't have permission to do this."
Reloaded: "&aSome messages and options have been reloaded. Other may require a restart!"
Invalid-player: "&cPlayer is not online!"
Cancelled: "&cYour attempt to start captcha verification for {PLAYER} was cancelled by a plugin!"
Pending: "&cPlayer {PLAYER} is already in a captcha verification process!"
Started: "&aYou started captcha verification for {PLAYER}!"
Started-other: "&6You started captcha verification process!"
Bulk: "&aStarted captcha process for {SUCCESS} players, {SKIPPED} skipped with permission, {LOGGING} players are not logged (AuthMe) and {PENDING} players are already in a captcha process!"
Bulk-empty: "&cCouldn't find players to start verification process! (All of them are logging in, bypassing or in captcha process already)"
Not-logged: "&cPlayer {PLAYER} is not authenticated in AuthMe. Skipping.."
Cancelled: "&cYour attempt to stop captcha verification for {PLAYER} was cancelled by a plugin!"
Not-pending: "&cPlayer {PLAYER} is not in a captcha verification process!"
Stopped: "&aYou stopped captcha verification for {PLAYER}!"
Stopped-other: "&6You skipped captcha verification process!"
Bulk: "&aStopped captcha process for {STOPPED} players!"
Bulk-empty: "&cCouldn't find players with an active captcha process!"
#Sound to be sent when a captcha process starts. Set Sound: "none" to disable sound.
#Sound to be sent when a captcha process stops by command or API. Set Sound: "none" to disable sound.
#Option when captcha is completed (all steps)
Enabled: true
#Sound sent once the player completed all captchas. Set Sound: "none" to disable sound.
Sound: EXP_ORB
#Message sent once the player completed all captchas. Set Message: [] to disable message.
#PlaceholderAPI are supported if plugin is installed.
- "&aYou complete captcha successfully!&r"
- " &r"
- " &6&l&nWelcome to a server using BetterCaptcha!&r"
- " &r"
- " &c&l{PLAYER}&r&c, thanks for playing here!"
- " &r"
- " &eVisit&b https://alonsoaliaga.com/plugins &r"
- " &eDon't forget to rate 5 stars if you loved the plugin!"
- " &r"
Enabled: true
#Sound sent once the player failed one captcha. Set Sound: "none" to disable sound.
#Message sent once the player failed one captcha. Set Message: [] to disable message.
#PlaceholderAPI are supported if plugin is installed.
- " &r"
- "&cYou failed captcha! You'll be kicked."
- " &r"
Enabled: true
#Sound sent if the player skip captcha verification.
Sound: EXP_ORB
#Message sent when player joins the server and skips captcha process because the time between disconnection and reconnection is less than the
#amount defined in the configuration for cache players.
- "&6You left the server short time ago. You skipped captcha verification."
- " &r"
- " &6&l&nWelcome to a server using BetterCaptcha!&r"
- " &r"
- " &c&l{PLAYER}&r&c, thanks for playing here!"
- " &r"
- " &eVisit&b https://alonsoaliaga.com/plugins &r"
- " &eDon't forget to rate 5 stars if you loved the plugin!"
- " &r"
- "&9 /bettercaptcha start <player|*> &f- &bStart captcha process for player"
- "&9 /bettercaptcha stop <player|*> &f- &bStop captcha process for player"
- "&9 /bettercaptcha reload &f- &bReload configuration"
User: []
Enabled: "&aCaptcha is enabled! New players will require to complete captcha."
Disabled: "&cCaptcha is disabled! New players won't be required to complete captcha."
Enabled: "&aCaptcha has been enabled! New players will require to complete captcha."
Disabled: "&cCaptcha has been disabled! New players won't be required to complete captcha."
#Required. Cannot be "none"
Admin: "bettercaptcha.admin"
#Permission to bypass captcha on join. Operators don't have this permission by default. Required, cannot be "none"
Bypass: "bettercaptcha.bypass"
#Permission to allow players to use /bettercaptcha command. Supports "none" to disable permission.
Main: "none" #Example: "bettercaptcha.main"
#Permission to be able to use Cache option. (If player doesn't have this permission but option is enabled, they will have to complete captcha again)
#Supports "none" to disable permission.
Cache: "none" #Example: "bettercaptcha.cache"
#Enable only if developer asks you to.
Debug-mode: false
#How many times player must complete captcha after joining.
Total-steps: 2
#Time in seconds the captcha will be displayed before it's considered as failed.
#Minimum 1 second. If lower than 1, it will be set to 1 automatically. Recommended time: 10
Time-per-captcha: 10
#If enabled, captcha will be considered as failed if player clicks any other slot except the correct one.
#If disabled, captcha won't be considered as failed if player clicks any other slot unless this slot is not the correct one AND has an item.
Strict-click: true
#This option keeps player in the cache for X seconds after leaving the server so the player don't need to complete captcha again
#if they reconnect within the defined amount of seconds. Otherwise captcha verification process starts again.
Enabled: true
#Time in seconds after disconnection before captcha is required again. Recommended values between 10 - 30 seconds. Default 15 seconds.
#This is NOT stored in a database so don't use values that are too high.
Time: 20
#This prevent players using commands.
Commands: true
#This prevent players from being damaged and damage others.
Damage: true
#This prevent players to break/place blocks.
Block: true
#This prevent players to send messages in chat. (It cancels the event)
Chat: true
#This prevent players to teleport with all reasons, except "PLUGIN".
#Internally, for developers, we use a method to teleport players to a location, this is only for plugins like Spawn TP, etc.
#Cancelling all reasons except "PLUGIN" will prevent players to teleport using ender pearls, portals, etc..
Teleport: true
#This prevent players eating food, potions, etc.
Consume: true
#This prevent flight being enabled, but not being disabled.
Toggle-flight: true
#Options for complete captchas (All of them, not one)
Enabled: false
#Commands the console will run when player completes all captcha. This will be ran after player receives the message specified (If option is enableD)
#Available placeholders:
# {PLAYER} Replaced by player name
# {UUID} Replaced by player uuid
#DO NOT INCLUDE SLASH for commands.
- "say The player {PLAYER} completed captcha verification. It's not a bot!"
- "eco {PLAYER} add 10"
#Options for fail captcha.
#Should we kick the player
Enabled: true
#Supports PlaceholdersAPI if installed.
- "&4&l{PLAYER}, you failed captcha!&r"
- "&fYou have been disconnected from the server!&r"
- " &r"
- "&c&lProblems with BetterCaptcha&r"
- "&aUse our issue tracker or join our discord server!"
- " &r"
- "&eWant more cool plugins"
- "&bhttps://alonsoaliaga.com/plugins"
Enabled: false
#Commands the console will run when player fails captcha. This will be ran BEFORE the player is kicked (If option is enabled)
#Available placeholders:
# {PLAYER} Replaced by player name
# {UUID} Replaced by player uuid
#DO NOT INCLUDE SLASH for commands.
- "say The player {PLAYER} with uuid {UUID} failed captcha verification!"
- "eco {PLAYER} take 150"
#If enabled, captcha will be sent after player successfully log in. Recommended to leave it enabled.
Enabled: true
#Auto update configuration Enabling will delete comments.
Auto-update-configuration: true
#Check for updates Recommended to keep it enabled.
Check-updates: true
#Notify updates when player with permission joins the server
Notify-updates: true
#Permission required to receive update message.
Permission: "bettercaptcha.update"
#Message to send when update is found.
Message: "&9[BetterCaptcha] &eA new update has been found! You are using version {CURRENT}. Download version {NEW} here &c{LINK}"