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И так сейчас я вам подробно расскажу и покажу скринами:
Первый шаг: Скачиваем Данный плагин, закидываем в plugins, далее скачиваем Citizens и CommandNPC, далее тоже их перекидываем в plugins.
Второй шаг: Запускаем свой сервер.
Третий шаг: создаем нпс: /npc create &6&lПлавильщик (можете ввести: /npc look , для того чтобы он на вас смотрел)
Четвертый шаг: /npc cmdadd smelt (можете ввести: /npc skin golem , для атмосферы)
Все, Готово!
Первый шаг: Скачиваем Данный плагин, закидываем в plugins, далее скачиваем Citizens и CommandNPC, далее тоже их перекидываем в plugins.
Второй шаг: Запускаем свой сервер.
Третий шаг: создаем нпс: /npc create &6&lПлавильщик (можете ввести: /npc look , для того чтобы он на вас смотрел)
Четвертый шаг: /npc cmdadd smelt (можете ввести: /npc skin golem , для атмосферы)
Все, Готово!
# The AdvancedSmelting Configuration File!
#Base command: /smelt - Permission needed: advancedsmelting.smelt
# Any issues or Suggestions? Contact me on Spigot:
# Spigot Name: Jet315
# Thank you for purchasing this plugin!
#Should smelting be halted if the player moves? Set false if the player should be able to move around
CancelSmeltingOnMove: false
#Whether the Action Bar is enabled during the smelting process (May as well disable this if you have smelting set to instant)
EnableActionBar: true
#Should an inventory be used to smelt items? (They run the /smelt command, an inventory opens, they put the items they want to smelt into that inventory)
#HIGHLY suggested, else all smeltable items in inventory will be smelted :/
EnableSmeltInventory: true
#Name of the smelt inventory,size and the confirm item ID, if enabled
NameOfSmeltInventory: '&6&lLIGHTLEAK.PRO&7:'
SizeOfSmeltInventory: 54
#You must put Material:data (So if you wanted this a coal for example, COAL:0)
#Should permissions be used to check each smelting item? (If this is set to true, players will need permissions such as advancedsmelting.COAL_ORE to be able to smelt coal,etc)
IndividualSmeltingPermissions: false
#If a player does not have permission to smelt a particular item, should they get a the 'NoItemPermission' (Suggested if Inventory is enabled, false otherwise)
ShowInvalidItemPermissions: true
#The items that can be smelted - If you don't want an item smeltable, simply comment it out using #'s
#Data is the number that comes after an item, so a SPONGE with a data value of 1 is a Wet Sponge (SPONGE:1).
Data: 0
#The amount of XP to give, when smelted
ExpToGive: 0
#The amount of time, in milliseconds, to smelt the item (Must be integer and CANNOT be more than the ActionBarTickRate*20)
TimeToSmelt: 0.5
#The cost of coal needed to smelt this item
CostOfCoalToSmelt: 0
#The cost of money needed to smelt this item
CostOfMoneyToSmelt: 150
Data: 0
ExpToGive: 0
TimeToSmelt: 0.5
CostOfCoalToSmelt: 0
CostOfMoneyToSmelt: 1
Data: 0
ExpToGive: 0
TimeToSmelt: 0.5
CostOfCoalToSmelt: 0
CostOfMoneyToSmelt: 3
Data: 0
ExpToGive: 0
TimeToSmelt: 0.5
CostOfCoalToSmelt: 0.
CostOfMoneyToSmelt: 3
Data: 0
ExpToGive: 0
TimeToSmelt: 0.5
CostOfCoalToSmelt: 0
CostOfMoneyToSmelt: 3
Data: 0
ExpToGive: 0
TimeToSmelt: 0.5
CostOfCoalToSmelt: 0
CostOfMoneyToSmelt: 3
Data: 0
ExpToGive: 0
TimeToSmelt: 0.5
CostOfCoalToSmelt: 0
CostOfMoneyToSmelt: 2
Data: 0
ExpToGive: 0
TimeToSmelt: 0.5
CostOfCoalToSmelt: 0
CostOfMoneyToSmelt: 2
Data: 0
ExpToGive: 0
TimeToSmelt: 0.5
CostOfCoalToSmelt: 0
CostOfMoneyToSmelt: 3
Data: 0
ExpToGive: 0
TimeToSmelt: 0.5
CostOfCoalToSmelt: 0
CostOfMoneyToSmelt: 4
Data: 0
ExpToGive: 0
TimeToSmelt: 0.5
CostOfCoalToSmelt: 0
CostOfMoneyToSmelt: 2
Data: 0
ExpToGive: 0
TimeToSmelt: 0.5
CostOfCoalToSmelt: 0
CostOfMoneyToSmelt: 4
Data: 0
ExpToGive: 0
TimeToSmelt: 0.5
CostOfCoalToSmelt: 0
CostOfMoneyToSmelt: 6
Data: 0
ExpToGive: 0
TimeToSmelt: 0.5
CostOfCoalToSmelt: 0
CostOfMoneyToSmelt: 3
Data: 0
ExpToGive: 0
TimeToSmelt: 0.5
CostOfCoalToSmelt: 0
CostOfMoneyToSmelt: 2
Data: 0
ExpToGive: 0
TimeToSmelt: 0.5
CostOfCoalToSmelt: 0
CostOfMoneyToSmelt: 6
Data: 0
ExpToGive: 0
TimeToSmelt: 0.5
CostOfCoalToSmelt: 0
CostOfMoneyToSmelt: 3
Data: 0
ExpToGive: 0
TimeToSmelt: 0.5
CostOfCoalToSmelt: 0
CostOfMoneyToSmelt: 4
Data: 0
ExpToGive: 0
TimeToSmelt: 0.5
CostOfCoalToSmelt: 0
CostOfMoneyToSmelt: 4
Data: 0
ExpToGive: 0
TimeToSmelt: 0.5
CostOfCoalToSmelt: 0
CostOfMoneyToSmelt: 6
Data: 0
ExpToGive: 0
TimeToSmelt: 0.5
CostOfCoalToSmelt: 0
CostOfMoneyToSmelt: 3
Data: 0
ExpToGive: 0
TimeToSmelt: 0.5
CostOfCoalToSmelt: 0
CostOfMoneyToSmelt: 2
Data: 0
ExpToGive: 0
TimeToSmelt: 0.5
CostOfCoalToSmelt: 0
CostOfMoneyToSmelt: 2
Data: 0
ExpToGive: 0
TimeToSmelt: 0.5
CostOfCoalToSmelt: 0
CostOfMoneyToSmelt: 4
Data: 1
ExpToGive: 0
TimeToSmelt: 0.5
CostOfCoalToSmelt: 0
CostOfMoneyToSmelt: 6
Data: 0
ExpToGive: 0
TimeToSmelt: 0.5
CostOfCoalToSmelt: 0
CostOfMoneyToSmelt: 5
#Shown when the item is invalid (Not a smeltable item) - %ITEM% gets the Item name
InvalidSmeltingItem: '&6&lLIGHTLEAK.PRO&f: &f%ITEM% &fнельзя переплавить!'
#Shown when the player does not have enough money to smelt the items - %DIFFERENCE% gets the remaining money needed
NotEnoughMoney: '&6&lLIGHTLEAK.PRO&f: &fУ Вас недостаточно денег.'
#Shown when the player does not have enough coal to smelt the items - %DIFFERENCE% gets the remaining coal needed
NotEnoughCoal: '&6&lLIGHTLEAK.PRO&f: &fУ Вас недостаточно угля.'
#Shown when the player does not have permission for something, such as a command
NoPermission: '&6&lLIGHTLEAK.PRO&f: &fУ Вас недостаточно прав.'
#Shows when the player does not have permission for a particular item - %ITEM% gets the Item name
NoItemPermission: '&6&lLIGHTLEAK.PRO&f: &fУ вас недостаточно прав для %ITEM%'
#The message that is shown when the user puts no items in the inventory, and clicks the confirm button
NoItemInGUIMessage: '&6&lLIGHTLEAK.PRO&f: &fПлавильщик не смог переплавить ваши вещи!'
#Shown when the player starts smelting
SmeltStartMessage: '&6&lLIGHTLEAK.PRO&f: &fПереплавка начата!'
#Shown when the player completes the smelting process - %COAL% replaces the total coal used, %MONEY% replaces the total money used
SmeltCompletedMessage: '&6&lLIGHTLEAK.PRO&f: &fПереплавка закончена!'
#Shown when the user tries smelting, while already smelting
AlreadySmeltingMessage: '&6&lLIGHTLEAK.PRO&f: &fВы уже переплавляете ресурсы!'
#Shown when the user moves (if enabled)
MoveCancelMessage: '&6&lLIGHTLEAK.PRO&f: &fВы двинулись!'
#Shown when the user types in invalid command arguments
UnknownCommand: '&6&lLIGHTLEAK.PRO&f: &fНеизвестная команда!'
#Shown if the command seneder is not a player
PlayerOnlyCommand: '&6&lLIGHTLEAK.PRO&f: &6Эта команда только для игроков!'
#Shown if the command sender is not a console
ConsoleOnlyCommand: '&6&lLIGHTLEAK.PRO&f: &fЭта команда может быть введена только через консоль!'
#The Action bar message that is shown while smelting - %GREENBARS% and %REDBARS% are shown as an indicator out of 100%, %PERCENTAGE% replaces the actual percentage, as an integer
ActionBarMessage: '&6%GREENBARS%&f%REDBARS%'
#This is the Name & Lore for the 'Confirm' Button in the smelting GUI - %MONEY% represents the amount of money required, %COAL% represents the amount of coal required, %EXP% represents the amount of XP gained when smelted,%TIME% represents the seconds formatted to 1 DP
ConfirmItemName: '&6&lLIGHTLEAK.PRO&f: &fНажмите, чтобы начать'
- ' '
- '&fЦена:'
- '&f%MONEY% &6❖'
#- '&e%COAL% &fCoal'
#- ' '
#- '&aEarn: &e%EXP% EXP'
- ' '
- '&fВремя плавки:'
- '&6%TIME% &fсек.'